This is the web page for the teachers of Institut Roquetes. We are a secondary school here in the south of Catalunya in Spain (at the moment). If you are looking for our students' pages there are links to them and their group pages in the right hand bar.

Here we will introduce ourselves and announce all of the different activities we do as part of our Comenius project.

Friday, 7 February 2014

Questions from Roquetes second year students to all of you!

Here you have some questions that the students of the second year here in Roquetes have prepared for you all.

Please click here or click on the photo below to visit the video questions page.

Please leave an answer to one or more of the questions, this makes the project more interesting for other students in our schools.

When you answer please say whose question you are answering mentioning their name, Ok?

If you like you can go directly to our YouTube channel and watch the videos there.  Click on the photo below to go there.


  1. Hello. I have answered the questions from Paula and Laia.
    Nice greetings from Germany and best whishes.
    Selly :)

  2. Hi Selly, thanks a lot but did you really answer the questions? Where did you leave your answer? On YouTube? I am sorry but I can't find them anywhere.

  3. And here is an answer and a question from one of the greek first grade students for Ivan:

  4. Hi to all, hope you are on your way to holidays and get some rest!

    Our first year students have recorded their questions and uploaded them on our blog at

    So it would be nice when schools start again that they get some comments or video answers as well.

    So why don't you start commenting?
