This is the web page for the teachers of Institut Roquetes. We are a secondary school here in the south of Catalunya in Spain (at the moment). If you are looking for our students' pages there are links to them and their group pages in the right hand bar.

Here we will introduce ourselves and announce all of the different activities we do as part of our Comenius project.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Netherlands photo exhibition (finally!)

Yes it has taken all this time but I finally received the last of the photos from the Netherlands trip for the exhibition, I won't say who it was that took so long because Aaron would be embarassed.

So here you have some photos of the exhibition as it is at the moment in the main corridor of our school.

As you can see in the two pictures below there is an envelope for voting.  All of the students in school can vote by leaving their name and their vote for the picture they like best.  In a fortnight's time we will count the votes and then I will have the winning photo printed as a poster.