This is the web page for the teachers of Institut Roquetes. We are a secondary school here in the south of Catalunya in Spain (at the moment). If you are looking for our students' pages there are links to them and their group pages in the right hand bar.

Here we will introduce ourselves and announce all of the different activities we do as part of our Comenius project.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Students from the Comenius project interviewed on local radio

Last May 25th I went with three students from the Comenius project to visit our local radio station.  As you can see they were Paula Mur, Mar Sebastia and Andrea Montecino. 

The interview, as you can imagine, is in Catalan so I am afraid not many of you will understand it.  We should have the video of the interview too, which would at least be a little more entertaining, but the links don't work.

Still, never mind, Comenius is alive and being broadcast to the wider community here in our area.

Have a listen if you are feeling brave, just click on the photo.