This is the web page for the teachers of Institut Roquetes. We are a secondary school here in the south of Catalunya in Spain (at the moment). If you are looking for our students' pages there are links to them and their group pages in the right hand bar.

Here we will introduce ourselves and announce all of the different activities we do as part of our Comenius project.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Our first Comenius meetings

This week we have just had our first two Comenius meetings.  The first one was just to see how many people were interested in the project.  Alfred and I were pleased to see almost thirty people at the meeting.  We explained the project and said that the next day we would be running interviews to choose the most able students.

The next day when everyone came we saw that the numbers had gone down to only sixteen!  It seems that a lot of people didn't like the idea of meeting in the afternoon, here school finishes at 14.45, and so had decided they weren't interested.  Personally I think that maybe the idea of an interview scared them off.

Anyway we were talking and fortuntely a few more people appeared who were still interested so in the end we have a complete group of 21.  All went well and so now we have agreed to meet on Monday.  Then we will decide groups and I will begin to explain the project themes.

Oh, we have seven people who want to go to the Netherlands.  They had already decided!!  Six girls and one boy.