This is the web page for the teachers of Institut Roquetes. We are a secondary school here in the south of Catalunya in Spain (at the moment). If you are looking for our students' pages there are links to them and their group pages in the right hand bar.

Here we will introduce ourselves and announce all of the different activities we do as part of our Comenius project.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Practising the cups song

After our meeting this Monday we decided to see if we were able to follow the actions in the cups song.  This is all our group when we started and then you have a couple of videos of our progress.

And here is a short video.  The rhythm is not brilliant but we are trying.

Then I asked them to all sit in a circle to see if it got any better.

And as you can see... it didn't.


  1. I think you're doing just fine, and there's still time until Nov. 26 :)
