This is the web page for the teachers of Institut Roquetes. We are a secondary school here in the south of Catalunya in Spain (at the moment). If you are looking for our students' pages there are links to them and their group pages in the right hand bar.

Here we will introduce ourselves and announce all of the different activities we do as part of our Comenius project.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

The Teachers from Roquetes

Hi, we are Huw and Alfred, we are the teachers who will be running the Comenius Project here in Roquetes.

First we should introduce ourselves.

Huw Edwards-Westlake

My name is Huw, I am the coordinator for Roquetes and in fact the coordinator for the whole project.  I don't look very Spanish do I?  Well that is because I am not, in fact I am British.  I come from Stansted a small village to the north-east of London.  I originally studied History and Politics and then after working for a year I decided to leave the UK and go to live in a foreign country.  I chose, by accident, to come here to Roquetes.  I didn't originally intend to stay but I met the girl who is now my wife and... the rest is history.

I have been here now for longer than the time I lived in Britain.  I am an English teacher, big surprise right, and I consider myself to be a European, a Catalan and then a British citizen.  You notice I didn't say Spanish... more of that at another time.

I have been in two Comenius projects already.  One called YEAD (Young Europeans, Alike but Different) and then VAGAB (Values Across Generations and Borders).  I love doing these projects and I greatly enjoy meeting all of our partner teachers and students.  We are all going to work really hard but also have a lot of fun... I hope you all like singing and dancing and playing silly games!!

Alfred Valldivieso

Hallo! Ahoj! Pozdravi! Hei! Geia sas! Salvete omnes!

Hi everyone,

My name is Alfred Valdivieso and I am delighted to be Huw’s partner in this new  adventure. I come from Valencia, but I teach Ancient Greek and Latin in Roquetes and I really enjoy doing it.  Although I am fond of languages, my English is not very fluent, so I hope you are patient with me in the beginning. I also love music (I play the flute in the band of my city), dancing (my colleagues and even my pupils know it well...) and meeting people from  other countries. 

I’ll do my best to run this Project with Huw, as I am sure we all are going to share a funny, amazing and unforgettable experience.

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